
We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. When contributing to the repository, please make sure to first discuss the changes you wish to make via a github issue.

After the issue is discussed and the solution is determined, you will be invited to fork the repository and create a branch to implement the solution. Once ready to be merged, you can create a Pull Request on github and request to merge into the branch develop.

When implementing your contribution, there are just a few guidelines you need to follow.

Installing Pre-commit hooks

Pre-commits hooks have been configured for this project using the pre-commit library:

To get them going on your side, make sure to have python installed, and run the following commands from the root directory of this repository:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

You can then run the pre-commit hooks on all files as follows:

pre-commit run --all-files

Coding conventions

Please respect the following conventions to contribute to the code:

  • Use hard wrap at 88
  • Respect black, isort and flake8 conventions
  • Classes' names are Caml case (example: MyClass)
  • Functions and variables are in lower case with _ as separator (example: my_function, my_var)
  • Names are explicit: avoid mathematical notations, functions' names start with a verb
  • Use python typing library: each class and method should be typed (both for inputs and outputs)
  • Create custom types if needed
  • All classes and functions should have a docstring
  • Avoid repeating arguments and returns in docstring (should be explicit with the types) except when it is truly necessary
  • A function (or a class) does not take more than 5 arguments, if you need more create a data class
  • Avoid dictionaries to pass arguments when possible and prefer dataclasses instead
  • Repeat inputs names when calling a function: ex: compute_custom(arg1=arg1, arg2=my_arg2)
  • Use list comprehension when it is possible
  • Use f strings to add variables in strings: ex: print(f'my var value is {my_var}')

Commit messages

Please try to follow the conventional commit standard.

Merge request and code reviews

All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult GitHub Help for more information on using pull requests.

Community Guidelines

This project follows Google's Open Source Community Guidelines.