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Optimizing with CMA-ME in Jax

This notebook shows how to use QDax to find diverse and performing parameters on Rastrigin or Sphere problem with CMA-ME. It can be run locally or on Google Colab. We recommand to use a GPU. This notebook will show:

  • how to define the problem
  • how to create a CMA-ME emitter
  • how to create a MAP-Elites instance
  • which functions must be defined before training
  • how to launch a certain number of training steps
  • how to visualise the optimization process
import math

import matplotlib as mpl
import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

    import brax
    !pip install git+ |tail -n 1
    import brax

    import flax
    !pip install --no-deps git+ |tail -n 1
    import flax

    import chex
    !pip install --no-deps git+ |tail -n 1
    import chex

    import jumanji
    !pip install "jumanji==0.3.1"
    import jumanji

    import qdax
    !pip install --no-deps git+ |tail -n 1
    import qdax

from qdax.core.map_elites import MAPElites
from qdax.core.emitters.cma_opt_emitter import CMAOptimizingEmitter
from qdax.core.emitters.cma_rnd_emitter import CMARndEmitter
from qdax.core.emitters.cma_improvement_emitter import CMAImprovementEmitter
from qdax.core.emitters.cma_pool_emitter import CMAPoolEmitter
from qdax.core.containers.mapelites_repertoire import compute_euclidean_centroids, MapElitesRepertoire

from typing import Dict

Set the hyperparameters

Most hyperparameters are similar to those introduced in Differentiable Quality Diversity paper.

#@title QD Training Definitions Fields
#@markdown ---
num_iterations = 70000 #70000 #10000
num_dimensions = 100 #1000 #@param {type:"integer"}
grid_shape = (500, 500) # (500, 500)
batch_size = 36 #36 #@param {type:"integer"}
sigma_g = .5 #@param {type:"number"}
minval = -5.12 #@param {type:"number"}
maxval = 5.12 #@param {type:"number"}
min_bd = -5.12 * 0.5 * num_dimensions #@param {type:"number"}
max_bd = 5.12 * 0.5 * num_dimensions #@param {type:"number"}
emitter_type = "imp" #@param["opt", "imp", "rnd"]
pool_size = 15 #@param {type:"integer"}
optim_problem = "rastrigin" #@param["rastrigin", "sphere"]
#@markdown ---

Defines the scoring function: rastrigin or sphere

def rastrigin_scoring(x: jnp.ndarray):
    first_term = 10 * x.shape[-1]
    second_term = jnp.sum((x + minval * 0.4) ** 2 - 10 * jnp.cos(2 * jnp.pi * (x + minval * 0.4)))
    return -(first_term + second_term)

def sphere_scoring(x: jnp.ndarray):
    return -jnp.sum((x + minval * 0.4) * (x + minval * 0.4), axis=-1)

if optim_problem == "sphere":
    fitness_scoring = sphere_scoring
elif optim_problem == "rastrigin":
    fitness_scoring = rastrigin_scoring
    raise Exception("Invalid opt function name given")

def clip(x: jnp.ndarray):
    in_bound = (x <= maxval) * (x >= minval)
    return jnp.where(
        y=(maxval / x)

def _behavior_descriptor_1(x: jnp.ndarray):
    return jnp.sum(clip(x[:x.shape[-1]//2]))

def _behavior_descriptor_2(x: jnp.ndarray):
    return jnp.sum(clip(x[x.shape[-1]//2:]))

def _behavior_descriptors(x: jnp.ndarray):
    return jnp.array([_behavior_descriptor_1(x), _behavior_descriptor_2(x)])
def scoring_function(x):
    scores, descriptors = fitness_scoring(x), _behavior_descriptors(x)
    return scores, descriptors, {}

def scoring_fn(x, random_key):
    fitnesses, descriptors, extra_scores = jax.vmap(scoring_function)(x)
    return fitnesses, descriptors, extra_scores, random_key

Define the metrics that will be used

worst_objective = fitness_scoring(-jnp.ones(num_dimensions) * 5.12)
best_objective = fitness_scoring(jnp.ones(num_dimensions) * 5.12 * 0.4)

num_centroids =

def metrics_fn(repertoire: MapElitesRepertoire) -> Dict[str, jnp.ndarray]:

    # get metrics
    grid_empty = repertoire.fitnesses == -jnp.inf
    adjusted_fitness = (
        (repertoire.fitnesses - worst_objective) * 100 / (best_objective - worst_objective)
    qd_score = jnp.sum(adjusted_fitness, where=~grid_empty) # / num_centroids
    coverage = 100 * jnp.mean(1.0 - grid_empty)
    max_fitness = jnp.max(adjusted_fitness)
    return {"qd_score": qd_score, "max_fitness": max_fitness, "coverage": coverage}

Define initial population, emitter and MAP Elites instance

The emitter is defined using the CMAME emitter class. This emitter is given to a MAP-Elites instance to create an instance of the CMA-ME algorithm.

random_key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
# in CMA-ME settings (from the paper), there is no init population
# we multipy by zero to reproduce this setting
initial_population = jax.random.uniform(random_key, shape=(batch_size, num_dimensions)) * 0.

centroids = compute_euclidean_centroids(

emitter_kwargs = {
    "batch_size": batch_size,
    "genotype_dim": num_dimensions,
    "centroids": centroids,
    "sigma_g": sigma_g,
    "min_count": 1,
    "max_count": None,

if emitter_type == "opt":
    emitter = CMAOptimizingEmitter(**emitter_kwargs)
elif emitter_type == "imp":
    emitter = CMAImprovementEmitter(**emitter_kwargs)
elif emitter_type == "rnd":
    emitter = CMARndEmitter(**emitter_kwargs)
    raise Exception("Invalid emitter type")

emitter = CMAPoolEmitter(

map_elites = MAPElites(

Init the repertoire and emitter state

repertoire, emitter_state, random_key = map_elites.init(initial_population, centroids, random_key)

Run optimization/illumination process


(repertoire, emitter_state, random_key,), metrics = jax.lax.scan(
    (repertoire, emitter_state, random_key),
for k, v in metrics.items():
    print(f"{k} after {num_iterations * batch_size}: {v[-1]}")

Plot results

Update the savefig variable to save your results locally.

env_steps = jnp.arange(num_iterations) * batch_size

# Customize matplotlib params
font_size = 16
params = {
    "axes.labelsize": font_size,
    "axes.titlesize": font_size,
    "legend.fontsize": font_size,
    "xtick.labelsize": font_size,
    "ytick.labelsize": font_size,
    "text.usetex": False,
    "axes.titlepad": 10,


# Visualize the training evolution and final repertoire
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(40, 10))

# env_steps = jnp.arange(num_iterations) * episode_length * batch_size

axes[0].plot(env_steps, metrics["coverage"])
axes[0].set_xlabel("Environment steps")
axes[0].set_ylabel("Coverage in %")
axes[0].set_title("Coverage evolution during training")
axes[0].set_aspect(0.95 / axes[0].get_data_ratio(), adjustable="box")

axes[1].plot(env_steps, metrics["max_fitness"])
axes[1].set_xlabel("Environment steps")
axes[1].set_ylabel("Maximum fitness")
axes[1].set_title("Maximum fitness evolution during training")
axes[1].set_aspect(0.95 / axes[1].get_data_ratio(), adjustable="box")

axes[2].plot(env_steps, metrics["qd_score"])
axes[2].set_xlabel("Environment steps")
axes[2].set_ylabel("QD Score")
axes[2].set_title("QD Score evolution during training")
axes[2].set_aspect(0.95 / axes[2].get_data_ratio(), adjustable="box")

# udpate this variable to save your results locally
savefig = False
if savefig:
    figname = "cma_me_" + optim_problem + "_" + str(num_dimensions) + "_" + emitter_type + ".png"
    print("Save figure in: ", figname)